Sunday, July 22, 2012

Cara Back To Top Keren Pada Blog

بِسْــــــــــــــــمِ اﷲِالرَّحْمَنِ اارَّحِيم

Kalo agan2 punya blog.. yang memiliki dafar blog terlalu panjang kebawah! ada baik'ya bila agan menerapkan gadget BACK TO TOP di blog agan2 yang tentunya bakalan memanjakan visitor n agan sendiri dalam membaca blog agan2 semuah...

okh deh langsung ajah k'TKP====>
  • Login ke blogger dengan ID anda
  • Klik menu Layout  => Add a gadget
  • Pilih type gadget  => HTML/Javascript
  • Copy kode di bawah ini lalu paste ke dalam kotak Content gadgetHTML/Javascript dan tidak perlu diberi Title ya gan...

    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

    <script type="text/javascript" >
    var scrolltotop={
        //startline: Integer. Number of pixels from top of doc scrollbar is scrolled before showing control
        //scrollto: Keyword (Integer, or "Scroll_to_Element_ID"). How far to scroll document up when control is clicked on (0=top).
        setting: {startline:100, scrollto: 0, scrollduration:1000, fadeduration:[500, 100]},
        controlHTML: '<img src="" />', //HTML for control, which is auto wrapped in DIV w/ ID="topcontrol"
        controlattrs: {offsetx:5, offsety:5}, //offset of control relative to right/ bottom of window corner
        anchorkeyword: '#top', //Enter href value of HTML anchors on the page that should also act as "Scroll Up" links

        state: {isvisible:false, shouldvisible:false},

            if (!this.cssfixedsupport) //if control is positioned using JavaScript
                this.$control.css({opacity:0}) //hide control immediately after clicking it
            var dest=isNaN(this.setting.scrollto)? this.setting.scrollto : parseInt(this.setting.scrollto)
            if (typeof dest=="string" && jQuery('#'+dest).length==1) //check element set by string exists
            this.$body.animate({scrollTop: dest}, this.setting.scrollduration);

            var $window=jQuery(window)
            var controlx=$window.scrollLeft() + $window.width() - this.$control.width() - this.controlattrs.offsetx
            var controly=$window.scrollTop() + $window.height() - this.$control.height() - this.controlattrs.offsety
            this.$control.css({left:controlx+'px', top:controly+'px'})

            var scrolltop=jQuery(window).scrollTop()
            if (!this.cssfixedsupport)
            this.state.shouldvisible=(scrolltop>=this.setting.startline)? true : false
            if (this.state.shouldvisible && !this.state.isvisible){
                this.$control.stop().animate({opacity:1}, this.setting.fadeduration[0])
            else if (this.state.shouldvisible==false && this.state.isvisible){
                this.$control.stop().animate({opacity:0}, this.setting.fadeduration[1])

                var mainobj=scrolltotop
                var iebrws=document.all
                mainobj.cssfixedsupport=!iebrws || iebrws && document.compatMode=="CSS1Compat" && window.XMLHttpRequest //not IE or IE7+ browsers in standards mode
                mainobj.$body=(window.opera)? (document.compatMode=="CSS1Compat"? $('html') : $('body')) : $('html,body')
                mainobj.$control=$('<div id="topcontrol">'+mainobj.controlHTML+'</div>')
                    .css({position:mainobj.cssfixedsupport? 'fixed' : 'absolute', bottom:mainobj.controlattrs.offsety, right:mainobj.controlattrs.offsetx, opacity:0, cursor:'pointer'})
                    .attr({title:'Scroll Back to Top'})
                    .click(function(){mainobj.scrollup(); return false})
                if (document.all && !window.XMLHttpRequest && mainobj.$control.text()!='') //loose check for IE6 and below, plus whether control contains any text
                    mainobj.$control.css({width:mainobj.$control.width()}) //IE6- seems to require an explicit width on a DIV containing text
                $('a[href="' + mainobj.anchorkeyword +'"]').click(function(){
                    return false
                $(window).bind('scroll resize', function(e){


  • Kemudian klik tombol Save, jika agan memiliki image tombol sendiri bisa diganti kode'y yang ditulis berwarna biru tebal dengan URL image agan.
Okh begitu mudah bukan... semoga bermanfaat'ya buat blog Agan2 semua.

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